Path of the file
Member of FilePaths Interface (PRIM_APPL.IDragDropFilePaths)
Data Type - String
Name | Type | Data Type | Description |
Index | *Input | Integer | Index parameter |
The FilePath property is a keyed property providing access to the path of each file.
This example loops through the payload, accessing each of the FilePaths using the index.
Evtroutine Handling(#Files.DragDrop) Payload(#Payload) Define_Com Class(#Prim_nmbr) Name(#Index) If (#Payload *Is #Prim_Appl.IDragDropFilePaths) Begin_Loop To((#Payload *As #Prim_Appl.IDragDropFilePaths).FileCount) #Index += 1 #Com_owner.Save((#Payload *As #Prim_Appl.IDragDropFilePaths).FilePath<#Index>) End_Loop Endif Endroutine
Febuary 18 V14SP2