Attachment Layout Item - Attachment Property

Defines where a component is to be attached

Member of Attachment Layout Item (PRIM_ATLI)

Data Type - Enumeration


Defines the position and sizing behavior of the managed control.
Processing of each item depends on the setting in the ProcessingOrder of the parent layout manager.
Where there is a conflict bewteeen the Sizing and Attachment properties, Attachment will take precedence.

Allowed Attachments

Enum ValueDescription
BottomAttached to the bottom, fitting the width, leaving the control height unchanged
CenterOccupies all remaining space
LeftAttached to the Left, fitting the height, leaving the control width unchanged
RightAttached to the top, fitting the height, leaving the control width unchanged
TopAttached to the top, fitting the width, leaving the control height unchanged


See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2