Carousel Design Interface - OnFind Method

Executed when the Find method is used

Member of Carousel Design Interface (PRIM_CARO.ICarouselDesign)


NameTypeData TypeDescription
Result*ResultBooleanReturn true if the item matches the specified key
CarouselItem*InputPRIM_CARO.CarouselItemReference to the item performing the find
Key*InputPRIM_VARValue being searched for


The OnFind method is executed for each design instance when the FindItem method is used in the containing Carousel.


Redefine the method in the design reusable part.
In this simple example, the item returns true if the Key is found in the employee name
Mthroutine Name(OnFind) Options(*redefine)
   #Result := #Surname.Contains( #Key ) *Or #Givename.Contains( #Key )

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2