Interface that allows a reusable part to control the contents of a Dynamic Picklist used in a field visualisation
Ancestors - None
The PRIM_DC.IDynamicPicklist is implemented by reusable parts acting as a Visual Host field visualization. The Load method is executed whenever there is a need to load the picklist.
This example uses the iDynamicPicklist interface to build a list of available departments.
Function Options(*DIRECT) Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_objt *implements #Prim_dc.IDynamicPicklist) Mthroutine Name(Load) Options(*Redefine) #Picklist.RemoveAll * Read the departments table and add a picklist for each record Select Fields(#Deptment #deptdesc) From_File(deptab) * Add the item using the department code and description. First item will become the default item #Picklist.Add( #Deptment ("&1 (&2)").substitute( #deptdesc #deptment ) #Picklist.Items.IsEmpty ) Endselect Endroutine End_Com
Name | Description |
Load | Executed when the picklist needs to load
Picklist |
Febuary 18 V14SP2