String Intrinsic Functions (PRIM_LIBI.ICommonStringIntrinsics)

String intrinsic functions

Ancestors - None


Container for all common string intrinsic functions


AsDbcsFixedCharReturn the string as a Fixed length DBCS string
Result, TargetLength
AsDbcsStringReturn the string as a DBCS string
AsSbcsStringReturn the variable as a single byte character string
BlankConcatConcatenate strings with a blank between each
Result, String1, String2, String3, String4, String5, String6, String7, String8, String9
ByteTypeAtReturn the byte type at a specific position in the string
Result, Index
CenterCenter the string within the variable
Result, Length, Pad, LengthType
CentreCentre the string within the variable
Result, Length, Pad, LengthType
CharTypeAtReturn the character type at a specific position in the string
Result, Position
CompareCompare two strings
Result, To, CompareKind, IgnoreCase
ConcatConcatenate strings ignoring trailing spaces
Result, String1, String2, String3, String4, String5, String6, String7, String8, String9
ContainsTest to see is a string is contained in the variable
Result, String, StartPosition
ContainsOnlyTest to see if the strings contains only the specified characters
Result, String
CurCharsThe number of characters in the string
CurEbcdicSizeLength of the string in EBCDIC
CurSizeLength of the variable content in bytes
DecryptDecrypt the string using the TEA algorithm
Result, Key
DeleteSubstringDelete part of a string
Result, StartPosition, Length
EncryptEncrypt the string using the TEA algorithm
Result, Key
InsertStringInsert a string in a string
Result, String, At, Pad
IsDbcsTest if the string is DBCS
IsMatchDoes the string match the regular expression
Result, Pattern
IsMixedTest if the string contains SBCS and DBCS characters
IsNotSqlNullTest if the variable is not SQLNull
IsSbcsTest if the string is DBCS
IsSqlNullTest if the variable is SQLNull
IsValidEmailTest whether the string contains a valid email address
IsValidPasswordTest whether the string contains a valid password
Result, Strength
LastPositionInFind the last position of the subject in a string
Result, String
LastPositionOfFind the last position of the value in this variable
Result, String
LeftMostGet the left most characters from the string
Result, Characters, Pad
LeftTrimTrim characters from the left of the string
Result, OfText
LowerCaseConvert a string to lower case
OccurrencesInFind the number times the string occurs in a variable
Result, String, StartPosition
OccurrencesOfFind the number times the variable occurs in the string
Result, String, StartPosition
PositionInFind the position of this variable in a string
Result, String, StartPosition
PositionOfFind the position of a string in this variable
Result, String, StartPosition
RemoveRemove the specified string from the source
Result, Object
RemoveAllRemove all occurrences of the specified string from the source
Result, Object
RemoveCharactersRemove all occurrences of the specified characters from the source
Result, Object
RepeatRepeat a string a number of times
Result, Times
ReplaceReplace the specified string
Result, Object, Replacement
ReplaceAllReplace all occurrences of the specified string in the source
Result, Object, Replacement
ReplaceSubstringReplace a portion of a string with a new value
Result, StartPosition, Length, With, Pad
ReverseReverse a string
RightAdjustRight adjust the string
Result, Length, Pad
RightMostGet the right most characters from the string
Result, Characters, Pad
RightTrimTrim characters from the right of the string
Result, OfText
SubstituteEmbed strings at specific substitution points (&1 &2 etc)
Result, String1, String2, String3, String4, String5, String6, String7, String8, String9
SubstringReturn part of a string
Result, StartPosition, Length, Pad
TranslateCharactersTranslate the specified characters
Result, From, To
TrimTrim characters from either end of the string
Result, OfText
TrimBlankConcatConcatenate with blanks trimming trailing blanks
Result, String1, String2, String3, String4, String5, String6, String7, String8, String9
TrimConcatConcatenate trimming trailing blanks
Result, String1, String2, String3, String4, String5, String6, String7, String8, String9
TrimSubstituteEmbed strings at specific substitution points (&1 &2 etc) trimming trailing blanks
Result, String1, String2, String3, String4, String5, String6, String7, String8, String9
UpperCaseConvert to upper case
UrlDecodeConvert an encoded URL to text
UrlEncodeConvert a URL to encoded text

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2