Test whether the string contains a valid password
Member of Unicode Intrinsic Functions (PRIM_LIBI.IUnicodeIntrinsics)
Name | Type | Data Type | Description |
Result | *Result (Optional) | Boolean | True if the string is a valid password |
Strength | *Input | Enumeration | Specifies how strong the password needs to be |
The isValidPassword method allows you test whether a string adheres to the selected password policy.
Enum Value | Description |
Medium | Minimum 6 characters with either, one uppercase and one lowercase, one lowercase and one numeric, or one upprecase and one numeric |
Strong | Minimum 8 characters with at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one number and one special character (@$!%*?&) |
This example shows how password entry might be validated in the UI
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Height(528) Width(896) Theme(#SYS_THEME) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.Edit) Name(#Password) DisplayPosition(1) Label('Password') Left(16) Parent(#COM_OWNER) TabPosition(1) Top(16) Width(473) PasswordChar('*') Evtroutine Handling(#Password.Changed) If (#Password.Value.IsValidPassword( Medium )) #Password.HelperText := "Medium" Endif If (#Password.Value.IsValidPassword( Strong )) #Password.HelperText := "Strong" Endif If ((*Not #Password.Value.IsValidPassword( Medium )) *And (*Not #Password.Value.IsValidPassword( Strong ))) #Password.HelperText := "Password must be min at least 6 with one upper, one lower and one numeric" Endif Endroutine End_Com
Febuary 18 V14SP2