Position of the content of a list cell.
Member of List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column)
Data Type - Enumeration
The CellAlignment property governs the position of the contents of the cell. When CellSizing is FitBoth, the contents of the cell will fill the space and this property has no effect. However, when CellSizing is not forcing a size, the CellHeight and CellWidth properties are be used to define the content size. CellAlignment and the CellMarginLeft, CellMarginRight, CellMarginTop and CellMarginBottom properties can be used to position it.
Enum Value | Description |
BottomCenter | Horizontally centered and attached to the bottom edge |
BottomLeft | Left justified and attached to the bottom edge |
BottomRight | Right justified and attached to the bottom edge |
Center | Horizontally and vertically centered |
CenterLeft | Left justified and vertically centered |
CenterRight | Right justified and vertically centered |
TopCenter | Horizontally centered and attached to the upper edge |
TopLeft | Left justified and attached to the upper edge |
TopRight | Right justified and attached to the upper edge |
In this example, the buttons are aligned to the centerleft with a slight indent.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST) Name(#List1) Displayposition(1) Left(24) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(24) Height(417) Width(625) Rowheight(29) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.Button) Name(#ColumnButton1) Columnwidth(128) Displayposition(1) Parent(#List1) Cellsizing(None) Cellwidth(80) Cellalignment(CenterLeft) Cellmarginleft(3) Evtroutine Handling(#Com_owner.CreateInstance) Begin_Loop To(10) Add_Entry To_List(#List1) #ColumnButton1.CurrentItem.Caption := #List1.Items.ItemCount.Asstring End_Loop Endroutine End_Com
Febuary 18 V14SP2