Reference to a repository field or fundamental product data class used to control data entry
Member of DropDown (PRIM_LIST.DropDown)
Data Type - PRIM_DC - Data class base class
The DataClass property allows the default behavior of an edit to be overridden by the behavior of a repository data class. By specifying a data class the edit will now follow the data entry rules for the field e.g. its type, length, decimal places etc. The edit area of a combo box is a normal edit, and therefore has no formatting or length checking. Defining a data class results in a new variable that will be used for the data entry.
In this example, a numeric data class is used to ensure that all values entered are numeric, despite the column in the combo box being defined as alphanumeric.
Function Options(*DIRECT) Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_FORM) Height(271) Left(308) Top(220) Width(264) Clientwidth(248) Clientheight(232) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_CMBX) Name(#Combobox) Autoselect(False) Autoselectitem(False) Displayposition(1) Left(16) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(16) Value('ABCDE') Width(217) Height(33) Fixedheight(False) Dataclass(#NumberDataClass) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_CBCL) Name(#CBCL_1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#Combobox) Source(#xDemoAlpha128) Define_Com Class(#xDemoNumber) Name(#NumberDataClass) Evtroutine Handling(#Combobox.Enter) #xDemoAlpha128 := #NumberDataClass.Asstring Add_Entry To_List(#Combobox) Endroutine End_Com
Febuary 18 V14SP2