Static - DrawType Property

DrawType specifies the type of line or shape

Member of Static (PRIM_STTC)

Data Type - Enumeration


The DrawType property specifies what is begin drawn.

Allowed Values

Enum ValueDescription
BarRaised3D effect raised
BarSunken3D effect sunken
DiagonalBothLines joining opposing corners. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the lines
DiagonalLeftToRightLine top left to bottom right. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
DiagonalRightToLeftLine bottom left to top right. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
EllipseEllipse or circle filling the control
FrameIndentedEdgeIndented frame. FrameHeightBottom, FrameWidthLeft, FrameWidthRight and FrameHeightTop control the size
FrameRaisedRaised frame. FrameHeightBottom, FrameWidthLeft, FrameWidthRight and FrameHeightTop control the size
LineHorizontalHorizontal line. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
LineHorizontalEdgeHorizontal line with edging. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
LineVerticalVertical line. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
LineVerticalEdgeVertical line with edging. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
RectangleSimple rectangle. LineWidth controls the thickness of the line
RectangleEdgeRectangle with edging. LineWidth controls the thickness of the line
TriangleDownTriangle pointing down. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
TriangleLeftTriangle pointing left. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
TriangleRightTriangle pointing right. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line
TriangleUpTriangle pointing up. LineType and LineWidth specify the appearance of the line


See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2