Add an item to the browser history
Member of Web History (PRIM_WEB.History)
Name | Type | Data Type | Description |
QueryString | *Input | Unicode String | QueryString to be appended to the root of the URL |
Signal | *Input (Optional) | Boolean | Set to False to stop Changed event firing |
The Add method adds an item to the browser history. You can only add the QueryString portion of the URL. The domain and port etc., are simply a repeat of those for the current page.
In this example, every time an item in a list gets focus the details of an employee are displayed and an item is added to the history. When the user uses the history to show a page, the URLChanged event can be monitored and the URLParameters processed to detect the employee number.
Evtroutine Handling(#List.ItemGotFocus) #Com_owner.Activate( #Empno ) #Sys_Web.history.Add( ("Employee=&1").Substitute( #Empno ) ) Endroutine Evtroutine Handling(#sys_web.URLChanged) For Each(#Parameter) In(#sys_web.URLParameters) Continue If(#Parameter.Name.Uppercase <> Employee) #Com_owner.Activate( #Parameter.Value.uppercase) Leave Endfor Endroutine
Febuary 18 V14SP2