5.11 The File Maintenance Utility

The file maintenance utility is a facility provided with the LANSA system that allows direct access to any file defined under the LANSA system.

The file maintenance utility can be used to:

In addition, the file maintenance utility has the following features:

The steps involved in invoking the file maintenance utility for a particular file are as follows:



    1. Select the option to          |          |

       use the file maintenance      |  HOUSE-  |

       utility on the housekeeping   |  KEEPING |

       menu.                         |  MENU    |





    2. Select the physical file      |          |

       to be maintained.             |  SELECT  |

                                     |  PHYSICAL|

                                     |  FILE    |





    3. Select the physical or        |          |

       logical file through which    |  SELECT  |

       maintenance is to be          |  ACCESS  |

       performed.                    |  PATH    |


Also see

5.11.1 When to Use or Not Use the File Maintenance Utility?