How to Create Tables in LANSA

Tables can be created several ways in LANSA:

1.  Manually define a table

2.  Copy an existing table in the Repository

3.  Import an existing externally defined table (OTHER table) into the Repository

4.  Use a modeling tool.

Option 1. You may manually create all the details of the table definition. If you are not using the logical modeler, then all your columns will be created manually.

Option 2. You may create a new table by copying an existing table definition in the Repository. LANSA will copy all of the table definitions details (rules, trigger, indexes, etc.).

Option 3. Importing Existing Table Definitions. If you are building from existing applications, you can import your existing table or table definitions into LANSA. (Refer to 1.6.10 Imported Table Definitions.)

Option 4. There are several different options for data modeling with LANSA.  The Visual LANSA Logical Modeler can be used to create your database.

Also See

Create Tables in the Visual LANSA User Guide.