Example 1 – Returning a record
Example 2 – Returning a list of data
Example 3 – Returning a response object
Example 1 – Returning a record
This simple routine receives an identifier and returns the group of fields representing the record.
Note the additional output map returning the #IO$STS field so that the success of the FETCH can be determined by the caller.
Group_By Name(#Employee) Fields(#Empno #Surname #Givename #Address1 #Address2 #Address3 #Postcode #Phonehme #Phonebus #Deptment #Section #Salary #Startdte #Termdate)
Srvroutine Name(GetEmployee)
Field_Map For(*Input) Field(#Empno)
Group_Map For(*output) Group(#Employee)
Field_Map For(*output) Field(#io$sts) Parameter_Name(Status)
Fetch Fields(#Employee) From_File(pslmst) With_Key(#Empno)
Example 2 – Returning a list of data
This simple routine returns a list containing all the records in the file.
Def_List Name(#Employees) Fields(#Empno #Surname #Givename #Address1 #Address2 #Address3 #Postcode #Phonehme #Phonebus #Deptment #Section #Salary #Startdte #Termdate) Type(*working) Entrys(999)
Srvroutine Name(GetEmployees)
List_Map For(*Output) List(#Employees)
Select Fields(#Employees) From_File(pslmst)
Add_Entry To_List(#Employees)
Example 3 – Returning a response object
This is a typical image download routine. In this example the image is read from a database table. The response object is then populated with the image and the file name is set.
Srvroutine Name(DownloadImage) Response(#Response)
Field_Map For(*Input) Field(#Empno)
Fetch Fields(#GiveName #Surname) From_File(pslmst) With_Key(#empno)
If_Status Is(*okay)
Fetch Fields(#empimg) From_File(pslimg) With_Key(#empno)
If_Status Is(*okay)
#Response.ContentFile := #Empimg.Filename
#Response.AttachmentFileName := #Surname + #GiveName + #Empno
Srvroutine Name(Status) Response(*HTTP #http)
Define Field(#contentstring) Type(*CHAR) Length(256) Decimals(0)
#contentstring := '{"JOBID":"' + *JOBNBR + '","ServerStatus":"OK",' + '"CPUTYPE":"' + *CPUTYPE + '",' + '"LANSAPGMLIB":"' + *LANSAPGMLIB + '"}'
#http.Response.ContentString := #contentstring
Srvroutine Name(GetFile) Response(*RESOURCE #MyFile) Session(*REQUIRED)
Field_Map For(*INPUT) Field(#lemlstr) Parameter_Name(Path)
Field_Map For(*INPUT) Field(#Filename)
Define Field(#tempFile) Reffld(#lemlstr)
#TempFile := #lemlstr + #filename.substring( 1 (#filename.lastpositionof( '.' ) - 1) ) + '_temp.txt'
Use Builtin(OV_FILE_SERVICE) With_Args(COPY_FILE (#lemlstr + #filename) #TempFile) To_Get(#retcode #ErrorNumber)
If (#retcode = OK)
#myfile.ContentFile := #TempFile
#myfile.RemoveFile := true