6.10 Multilingual Text Handling

The text processing described in this section is used by LANSA when:


1.  On the IBM i master, ensure that the CCSID associated with each partition language matches the intended Windows execution environment. See table in 6.10.1 Does LANSA know the correct CCSID to use for Multilingual text? for the LANSA defaults.

2.  Don't use literals in RDML/RDMLX code. Use Multilingual Variables (MTXTs) to ensure VARIANT characters are correctly converted to the CCSID that will be used at execution time. Refer to 6.10.7 Literals in RDML for further details.

3.  There is a third recommendation that is particularly useful for new installs and users. That is to ensure that the language codes used are the ones listed in the table in 6.10.1 Does LANSA know the correct CCSID to use for Multilingual text? or if not listed, they are the IBM provided language codes. LANSA looks up the CCSID using the language code as part of the algorithm described in 6.10.1 Does LANSA know the correct CCSID to use for Multilingual text?