Important Concept
Employees belong to a department. If a new department is selected, the employees list view needs to be cleared and rebuilt.
1. Create a method routine, named GetEmployees. This routine will clear and refill the employees list view when a department is selected.
Mthroutine Name(GetEmployees)
2. Define an input map for this routine to accept department code:
Mthroutine Name(GetEmployees)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#xDepartmentCode) Name(#DepartCode)
3. Complete the routine to perform the following:
Clear list, ListView1
Select ListView1 fields from table xEmployeeByDepartment with a key of DepartCode
Add each entry to ListView1
End Select
Your code should look like the following:
Mthroutine Name(GetEmployees)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#xDepartmentCode) Name(#DepartCode)
Clr_List Named(#ListView1)
Select Fields(#ListView1) From_File(xEmployeeByDepartment) With_Key(#xDepartmentCode)
Add_Entry To_List(#ListView1)
Note: The ListView1 definition has been used as the Fields() parameter for the Select/EndSelect loop.
4. Switch to the Design tab. Select the combo box. On the Details/Events tab, double click on ItemGotSelection to create an event handling routine.
5. Switch to the Source tab. Complete the form by adding code to perform the following:
At the end of the CreateInstance event routine, invoke the GetEmployees method passing xDepartmentCode
Within the ComboBox1.ItemGotSelection event routine, invoke GetEmployees passing xDepartmentCode
Your code should look like the following:
Evtroutine Handling(#com_owner.CreateInstance)
Set Com(#com_owner) Caption(*component_desc)
Select Fields(#xDepartmentCode #xDepartmentDescription) From_File(xDepartments)
Add_Entry To_List(#ComboBox1)
#com_self.GetEmployees Departcode(#xDepartmentCode)
Evtroutine Handling(#ComboBox1.ItemGotSelection) Options(*NOCLEARMESSAGES *NOCLEARERRORS)
#com_self.GetEmployees Departcode(#xDepartmentCode)
6. Compile and test your form. When it initially loads it should now look like the following:
Try selecting a different department. The employees List View will be cleared. If the department has employees, these will be added to the List View.
Try resizing the form. The layout manager will resize the List View so that it fills row two.