Step 2. Add Load Data Logic

The Tree View will have three levels, departments, employees and employee notes. All data will be loaded initially.

1.  Create an AddEntry method routine. This needs five input parameters:

     Your code should look like the following:

Mthroutine Name(AddEntry)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#STD_OBJ) Name(#Column1)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#STD_desc) Name(#Column2) Mandatory(' ')

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#STD_descl) Name(#Column3) Mandatory(' ')

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#prim_bmp) Name(#Image) Mandatory(*NULL) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)

Define_Map For(*input) Class(#Prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Mandatory(*Null) Pass(*By_reference)


       Note: All except the first map have a Mandatory() parameter, meaning the parameter will be given its Mandatory value if not passed. These parameters are optional.

2.  To complete the AddEntry routine, the following logic is required:

Assign STD_OBJ to Column1

Assign STD_DESC to Column2

Assign STD_DESCL to Column3

Add entry to TreeView

Set reference to TreeView.CurrentItem.ParentItem from ParentItem

Set refrence to TreeViewcurrentItem.Image to Image

Set TreeView.CurrentItem.hasChildren property to Yes for level 1 and 2

Set TreeView.CurrentItem.hasChildren poperty to No for level 3

     Your code should look like the following:

Mthroutine Name(AddEntry)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#STD_OBJ) Name(#Column1)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#STD_desc) Name(#Column2) Mandatory(' ')

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#STD_descl) Name(#Column3) Mandatory(' ')

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#prim_bmp) Name(#Image) Mandatory(*NULL) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)

Define_Map For(*input) Class(#Prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Mandatory(*Null) Pass(*By_reference)

#std_obj := #Column1

#std_desc := #Column2

#std_descl := #Column3

Add_Entry To_List(#TreeView)

#TreeView.Currentitem.ParentItem <= #ParentItem

#TreeView.Currentitem.image <= #Image

* Employee notes have no children

If (#TreeView.currentitem.level = 3)

#TreeView.CurrentItem.HasChildren := No


#TreeView.CurrentItem.HasChildren := Yes



     Note: When an item HasChildren property is No, an expand symbol is not shown. Employee Notes are level 3 and have no children.

3.  Create a LoadDepts method routine, no maps are required. Add logic to perform the following:

Read all departments from table xDepartments

For each entry invoke AddEntry, passing xDepartmentCode, xDepartmentDescription, *blank, xImageDepartment32

     Your code should look like the following:

Mthroutine Name(LoadDepts)

Select Fields(#xDepartmentCode #xDepartmentDescription) From_File(xDepartments)

#com_self.addentry( #xDepartmentCode #xDepartmentDescription "" #xImageDepartment32 )



     Note: xImageDepartment32 is a Repository Bitmap component.

4.  Create a LoadEmploys method routine with input for department code and ParentItem passed by reference.

Mthroutine Name(LoadEmploys)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#xDepartmentCode) Name(#DeptCode)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)


     Each employee entry must have a parent item reference to a department entry.

5.  Complete LoadEmploys with the following logic. Note that surname and givennames must be passed to AddEntry as a native string.

Read all employees from index xEmployeeeByDepartment with key DeptCode

Invoke AddEntry passing xEmployeeIdentification, xEmployeeSurname, xEmployeeGivenNames, xImageEmployee32 and ParentItem

End Select

     Your code should look like the following:

Mthroutine Name(LoadEmploys)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#xDepartmentCode) Name(#DeptCode)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)


Select Fields(#xEmployeeIdentification #xEmployeeSurname #xEmployeeGivenNames) From_File(xEmployeeByDepartment) With_Key(#DeptCode)

#com_self.AddEntry( #xEmployeeIdentification #xEmployeeSurname.asNativeString #xEmployeeGivenNames.asNativeString #xImageEmployee32 #ParentItem )




6.  Invoke LoadEmploys for each department from LoadDepts passing department code and TreeView.currentitem:

Mthroutine Name(LoadDepts)

Select Fields(#xDepartmentCode #xDepartmentDescription) From_File(xDepartments)

#com_self.addentry( #xDepartmentCode #xDepartmentDescription "" #xImageDepartment32 )

#com_self.LoadEmploys( #xDepartmentCode #TreeView.currentitem )




7.  Create a LoadNotes method routine with input maps for EmployCode and ParentItem passed by reference

Mthroutine Name(LoadNotes)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#xEmployeeIdentification) Name(#EmployCode)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)


8.  Add the following logic to LoadNotes:

Read all employee notes from index xEmployeeNotesByEmployee with key EmployCode

  For each entry, invoke AddEntry passing these parameters:

xEmployeeNoteCreateUpdate as display string

xEmployeeNote as native string, trimmed




     Your code should look like the following:

Mthroutine Name(LoadNotes)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#xEmployeeIdentification) Name(#EmployCode)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)

Select Fields(#xEmployeeNote) From_File(xemployeenotesbyemployee) With_Key(#EmployCode)

#com_self.addentry( #xEmployeeNoteCreateUpdate.asdisplaystring #xEmployeeNote.AsNativeString.trim "" #xImageDetails32 #ParentItem )




9.  Add code to invoke LoadNotes from LoadEmploys, passing xEmployeeIdentification and TreeView.CurrentItem.

Mthroutine Name(LoadEmploys)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#xDepartmentCode) Name(#DeptCode)

Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)


Select Fields(#xEmployeeIdentification #xEmployeeSurname #xEmployeeGivenNames) From_File(xEmployeeByDepartment) With_Key(#DeptCode)

#STD_desc := #xEmployeeSurname.AsNativeString

#std_descl := #xEmployeeGivenNames.AsNativeString

#com_self.AddEntry( #xEmployeeIdentification #std_desc #std_descl #xImageEmployee32 #ParentItem )

#com_self.LoadNotes( #xEmployeeIdentification #TreeView.currentitem )



10. Invoke LoadDepts from form CreateInstance event routine:

Evtroutine Handling(#com_owner.CreateInstance)


Set Com(#com_owner) Caption(*component_desc)



11. Compile and test the form.