1. Switch to the Source tab. Below the Define_Com statements, define four work fields as follows:
Define Field(#NewTotalSalary) Reffld(#iiiTotalSalary)
Define Field(#CurrentTotal) Reffld(#iiiTotalSalary)
Define Field(#ServerStatus) Reffld(#IO$STS)
2. Copy and paste the working list definition Employees from function iiiFN21.
Def_List Name(#Employees) Fields(#xEmployeeIdentification #iiiFullName #xDepartmentCode #xEmployeeSalary #iiiNewSalary) Counter(#listcount) Type(*WORKING) Entrys(*MAX)
The exchanged working list definition must be identical in the form and the called function.
The CALL_SERVER_FUNCTION calls a function running on a server. In order to use this BIF, the application must have a client server connection with a server. This would usually be established when the user initially signs on to the application.
CALL_SERVER_FUNCTION can optionally pass the Exchange list of fields to the server function and receive the Exchange field list back. Up to 10 working lists can be exchanged with the server function.
The CALL_SERVER_FUNCTION should use the following parameters:
See the Technical Guide for more information on the Client Server built-in functions.
3. Complete the SubmitButton.Click event routine, based on the following:
Use BEGINCHECK/FILECHECK/ENDCHECK to validate xDepartmentCode using table xDepartments
Clear list Employees
EXCHANGE fields xDepartmentCode and iiiPercent
If *sserver_connected = N
Call, process *direct, function iiiFN21, Pass list Employees
USE CALL_SERVER_FUNCTION, with arguments (*sserver_ssn iiiFN21 Y *default Employees) To Get(#ServerStatus)
If (#ServerStatus *ne OK)
Message 'Call server function failed'
End if
* When called function returns
Clear list EmployeeList
CurrentTotal and NewTotal = zero
Selectlist Employees
Accumulate SALARY in CurrentTotal
Accumulate iiiNewSalary in NewTotalSalary
Add entry EmployeeList
iiiTotalSalary = NewTotalSalary – CurrentTotalSalary
End selectlist
Your code should look like the following:
Evtroutine Handling(#SubmitButton.Click)
Filecheck Field(#xDepartmentCode) Using_File(xDepartments) Msgtxt('Department Code not found')
Clr_List Named(#EmployeeList)
Exchange Fields(#xDepartmentCode #iiiPercent)
If (*sserver_connected = N)
Call Process(*direct) Function(iiiFN21) Pass_Lst(#Employees)
Use Builtin(call_server_function) With_Args(*sserver_ssn 'iiiFN21' Y *default #Employees) To_Get(#ServerStatus)
If (#ServerStatus *NE OK)
Message Msgtxt('Call server function failed')
* when called function returns
Clr_List Named(#EmployeeList)
#CurrentTotal #NewTotalSalary := *zeroes
Selectlist Named(#Employees)
#CurrentTotal += #xEmployeeSalary
#NewTotalSalary += #iiiNewsalary
Add_Entry To_List(#EmployeeList)
#iiiTotalSalary := (#NewTotalSalary - #CurrentTotal)
4. Compile your new form.