Important Observations
- The variables in your web page component can be set when the user hovers the mouse over a field or a component such as a dropdown. The value is also set by the item with focus in a list component and by a list event such as ItemGotSelection. Your web page design and logic must take this into account.
- Parts of a table layout can have their height and width Unit defined as Pixel, Proportion or Content.
- The Dropdown component can have a DropDownStyle of Dropdown or DropdownList. A style of Dropdown allows a value to be entered in the edit area.
- Server Modules srvroutines are automatically defined to exchange data in JSON format.
- The List control has many properties at list and column level which define its features and behavior.
Tips and Techniques
- With a table layout applied to the web page or a container component, the Layout ribbon enables components to have their alignment, size, flow, margins and column span defined.
- Pass key values into your methods which retrieve data, in order to ensure the correct value is used.
What You Should Know
- How to implement the dropdown and list components
- How to link list components together so that the display the correct set of values.
- How to retrieve a list of database values using a srvroutine within a Server Module.