1. Create a DepartmentSearch method routine based on the following:
Define a component for your server module xEmployeeDataServer / FindxEmployeeByDepar srvroutine, with name DepartmentSearch
Assign xEmployeeIdentification to null
Execute DepartmentSearch asynchronously, exchanging fields xDepartmentCode, xEmployeeIdentification and list xEmployeeList.
Within a DepartmentSearch.Completed eventroutine
Execute the LoadEmpList subroutine
End routine
Your code should look like the following:
Mthroutine Name(DepartmentSearch)
Define_Com Class(#iiixEmployeeDataServer.FindxEmployeeByDepar) Name(#DepartmentSearch)
#xEmployeeIdentification := *Null
#DepartmentSearch.ExecuteAsync( #xDepartmentCode #xEmployeeIdentification #xEmployeeList )
Evtroutine Handling(#DepartmentSearch.Completed)
Execute Subroutine(LoadEmpList)
Note: Remember to check the srvroutine logic. It receives department code and employee identification, matching the logical table's keys.
2. Complete the Button_Search.Click event routine by addling logic to invoke the DepartmentSearch routine.
Your code should look like the following:
Evtroutine Handling(#Button_Search.Click)
Case Of_Field(#std_name)
When (= 'Surname')
When (= 'Given Name')
When (= 'Department')
3. Compile and test your web page.
The Department search should now populate the Employees list for the selected Department. Not all departments have employees.