5.2.5 Select the Objects to Review or Change

When the option to review access to objects defined within LANSA is chosen from the housekeeping menu a screen like the example following will be presented:


 DC@P400102              Select Object(s) to Review      


     Enter full or partial name of the object(s) to be worked with     

     or leave blank to select from a list of all objects : __________  

                                        Filter type    :               


 Sel     Object     Library    Type     Description                    

  _      ORDNUM                FIELD    Purchase order number          

  _      ORDLIN                FIELD    Purchase order line number     

  _      ORDMAST    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order header file     

  _      ORDLINE    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order lines file      



 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  F15=Bulk Chg

 F16=SelectAll  F22=ShowLong



Using Select Object(s) to Review screen, there are three different way to nominate the field(s), file(s), process(s), partition(s), template(s), system variable(s), multilingual variable(s) or weblets required:

Filter type

A filter value may be entered to restrict the list of objects to a particualr object type. Filter values may be FIELD, FILE, PROCESS, SYS PART, TEMPLATE, SYS VAR, ML TEXT, WEBLET or various abbreviations for these types.

When a list of objects is displayed the screen will look like the following example which resulted from entering partial name ORD (and found 2 fields and 2 files which matched):


 DC@P400102              Select Object(s) to Review      


     Enter full or partial name of the object(s) to be worked with     

     or leave blank to select from a list of all objects : __________  

                                        Filter type    :               


 Sel     Object     Library    Type     Description                    

  _      ORDNUM                FIELD    Purchase order number          

  _      ORDLIN                FIELD    Purchase order line number     

  _      ORDMAST    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order header file     

  _      ORDLINE    QGPL       FILE     Purchase order lines file      



 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  F15=Bulk Chg 



Using the resulting list of objects it is possible to: