1. On the Repository tab, locate the new forms and reusable parts. Use the context menu to Copy each one. Use your initials in place of ST to name each new component. The copy components will open in the editor.
2. Select the Source tab for each component, use Replace to change all occurrences of ST_ to XX_ where XX is your initials.
3. Open LANSA Settings from the File menu / Options and select Compile options:
Ensure that Product Version and File Version are set to
Copyright, Trade Mark and Comment may be set to any text value, or left blank.
Click OK to save the changes.
Note: These values are compiled into the Windows DLLs. When a patch package is built, Product and File Version for current DLLS in the package are compared with the previous install (Version or Patch) and changed objects are included in the new patch.
4. Compile all five components. Compile the reusable parts first, starting with XX_DATA.