6.3.4 Rules for Repository Synchronization
The following rules summarize repository synchronization for LANSA for i and Visual LANSA:
- A fundamental part of repository synchronization is LANSA for i. Without LANSA for i, no propagations can occur.
- Each Visual LANSA PC can be in only one repository group.
- A repository group contains only one Visual LANSA Repository, but could have many PCs listed if a server configuration is being used.
- A Visual LANSA PC can be in one or more work groups.
- The Host Monitor must be running on the repository gateway for changes to the current partition to be received. Propagations are queued on the IBM i until the Host Monitor is started in the appropriate partition.
- Changes to objects made by a developer using LANSA for i are not automatically propagated, but can be manually propagated. (Refer to Propagating Objects from the IBM i in the LANSA for i User Guide.)
- Changes to objects made by a developer using Visual LANSA are automatically propagated when the change is checked in to the LANSA for i Repository. (Refer to table below.)
- When LANSA messages are created, changed or deleted using LANSA for i, they are not propagated to Visual LANSA.
- When LANSA messages are created, changed or deleted using Visual LANSA, they are propagated to LANSA for i and other Visual LANSA Repositories.
The following table summarizes how changes made to objects using the LANSA for i development environment are propagated to Visual LANSA:
Operation performed in LANSA for i
Propagate to Visual LANSA
Delete Object*
Change Object
Create Object
The following table summarizes how changes made to objects using the Visual LANSA development environment are propagated to LANSA for i and other Visual LANSA Repositories:
Operation performed in Visual LANSA
Propagate to LANSA for i
Propagate to other Visual LANSA Repositories
Delete Object*
Change (without check-in)
Create (without check-in)
Check-in Changed Object
Check-in Created Object
* Developers can control how deleted objects are propagated.
Also See
6.3.1 Repository Synchronization Concepts
6.3.7 Repository Synchronization Tips & Techniques