You are here: Visual LANSA User Guide > 4. Editor Features > 4.4 Version Control > 4.4.3 Viewing Version Control Status

4.4.3 Viewing Version Control Status

The status of an object in version control is displayed in the Version Control Status column. This column is available in any view that is used to list repository details such as the Repository tab, Version Control tab and lists viewed in the Favourites view. See Information about Objects for instructions on how to show/hide columns.

The status can be:

Value Description

No value (blank)

The VL repository matches the YAML file in the version control folder.

Repository Only

The object is only in the Visual LANSA repository. That is, it is not under version control.


The object in the Visual LANSA repository is different to the current object in the version control folder. This status will generally be displayed only in the time it takes Visual LANSA to refresh its copy from the version control folder.

Invalid YAML

The YAML file has been corrupted. The most likely causes of corruption are:

  • A conflict exists and Git (or any other version control product being used) has added text into the YAML file to indicate where the conflict exists.
  • A poorly formed merge.

Depending on the cause, this issue may be resolved by resolving the conflict, by saving the object in Visual LANSA which will regenerate the YAML file, getting the latest version from source control, getting an earlier version from source control, redoing the merge, etc.


An error has occurred in the version control interface.