The BROWSE command is used to display selected fields from selected file records at a workstation.
Optionally, the user may select one of the displayed records. If record selection is used, the BROWSE command will return the record fields to the program in much the same way as a FETCH command does.
The use of the BROWSE command in new applications is not recommended.
The BROWSE command was provided in an early release of LANSA and it will always exist for that reason.
However, subsequent releases of LANSA have included features like application templates, pop-up windows and prompt key processing that far exceed the speed and functionality of the BROWSE command.
The BROWSE command cannot be used in programs that are portable. Use the *DBOPTIMIZE facility, request multilingual support, and GUI (Graphical User Interface) enabled or Web enabled.
Portability Considerations |
A build warning will be generated if used in Visual LANSA code. An error will occur at execution time. Code using this facility can be conditioned so that it is not executed in this environment. |
Also See
BROWSE ------- FIELDS ------- field name field attributes --->
| | | |
| --- 7 max -------- |
------ 100 max ----------------
>-- FROM_FILE ---- file name . *FIRST ------------->
library name
>-- WHERE -------- 'condition' -------------------->
>-- WITH_KEY ----- key field values --------------->
>-- NBR_KEYS ----- *WITHKEY ----------------------->
numeric field name
>-- GENERIC ------ *NO ---------------------------->
>-- IO_STATUS ---- *STATUS ------------------------>
field name
>-- IO_ERROR ----- *ABORT ------------------------->
>-- VAL_ERROR ---- *LASTDIS ----------------------->
>-- USE_SELECT --- *YES -------------------------->
>-- NO_SELECT ---- *NEXT -------------------------->
>-- ONE_FOUND ---- *DISPLAY------------------------>
>-- ISSUE_MSG ---- *NO ---------------------------->
>-- RETURN_RRN --- *NONE -------------------------->
field name
>-- DOWN_SEP ----- *DESIGN ------------------------>
decimal value
>-- ACROSS_SEP --- *DESIGN ------------------------>
decimal value
>-- EXIT_KEY ----- *YES -- *EXIT ------------------>
*NO label
>-- MENU_KEY ----- *YES -- *MENU ----------------->
*NO label
>-- ADD_KEY ------ *NO --- *NEXT ------------------>
*YES label
>-- CHANGE_KEY --- *NO ---- *NEXT ----------------->
*YES label
>-- DELETE_KEY --- *NO ---- *NEXT ----------------->
*YES label
>-- USER_KEYS ---- fnc key---'description'--label-->
| |
--------- 5 maximum -----------
>-- SHOW_NEXT ---- *PRO ---------------------------|