18.5.3 Using an X_LANSA.PRO Profile File

Most X_RUN parameter values can be permanently specified in a special profile file named x_lansa.pro.

A profile file can provide you with three benefits:

1.  No need to type in most of the parameters every time you wish to use the X_RUN command.

2.  All parameter values are consistently specified. Changing and forgetting parameters between different executions of X_RUN may produce differing results that confuse you.

3.  Values for parameters that are not set up when you execute your application directly from within Visual LANSA can be specified.

The partition parameters (PART=) and drive parameters (DRIV=), if not the defaults, must be specified on the command line to indicate the location of the profile file.

This file can be created and edited by most standard source editors. Once created, the x_lansa.pro file can be edited in Visual LANSA from System Information or the Remote System associated with the other system.

You must observe these rules:

For example:

Always use a LAN drive for the RRN files and English:



If you directly specify an RPTH= parameter with your X_RUN command, then x_lansa.pro should exist in the named RPTH= directory.

If you do not directly specify an RPTH= parameter on your X_RUN command, then x_lansa.pro should exist in the x_lansa\x_ppp partition directory (where "ppp" is the partition identifier) in the path containing Visual LANSA (which is specified by DRIV= or PATH=).

It is recommended that you do not ever directly specify an RPTH= parameter on your X_RUN command. If you need to specify an RPTH= parameter, create an x_lansa.pro profile file in the x_lansa\x_ppp partition directory and include the RPTH= parameter value into it.This way you will not forget to include the correct RPTH= parameter.

If  the RPTH= parameter is not included, or if its value is changed from session to session, the file relative record numbers may be assigned from different areas, producing strange results.