Tree View - ViewStyle Property

ViewStyle sets the way the list or tree is shown

Member of Tree View (PRIM_TRVW)

Data Type - Enumeration


Levelled tree uses the KeyPosition property of columns to determine the hierarchy. Changes to data values automatically cause nesting of child items. However, only one value can be see for each item in the tree and the number of level is governed by the number of columns added.
Unlevelled trees have no such automation, requiring that the user control the nesting of items via the ParentItem property. Unlevelled trees can have many levels and can show many columns of data. While they are less automated, they are far more flexible and powerful.
Unlevelled tree views are used extensively in the LANSA IDE, for example the Fields page in an open File or the Repository Browser

Allowed Values

Enum ValueDescription
LevelledSimple automated tree showing a single column
UnlevelledHighly flexible multi-column tree


This example shows a 4 level unlevelled tree.
Function Options(*DIRECT)
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_FORM) Caption('Multi-column tree') Clientheight(397) Clientwidth(907) Height(436) Layoutmanager(#TableLayout_1) Left(140) Top(203) Width(923)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#TableLayout_1)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#Row_1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#TableLayout_1)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#Column_1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#TableLayout_1)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#Item_1) Column(#Column_1) Manage(#Tree) Parent(#TableLayout_1) Row(#Row_1)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TRVW) Name(#Tree) Columnbuttonheight(20) Componentversion(2) Displayposition(1) Fullrowselect(True) Haslines(False) Height(397) Left(0) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(0) Viewstyle(UnLevelled) Width(907)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TVCL) Name(#TVCL_1) Captiontype(Caption) Displayposition(1) Level(1) Parent(#Tree) Sortonclick(True) Source(#xDemoUnicode128) Width(21) Widthtype(Fixed)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TVCL) Name(#TVCL_2) Captiontype(Caption) Displayposition(2) Level(1) Parent(#Tree) Sortonclick(True) Source(#xDemoUnicode128_2) Width(36) Widthtype(Fixed)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TVCL) Name(#TVCL_3) Captiontype(Caption) Displayposition(3) Level(1) Parent(#Tree) Sortonclick(True) Source(#xDemoUnicode128_3) Width(40) Widthtype(Fixed)
   Evtroutine Handling(#Com_owner.CreateInstance)
   Mthroutine Name(AddDepartments)
      Select Fields(*All) From_File(Deptab)
         #Com_owner.AddEntry( #Deptment #Deptdesc "" #xImageDepartment32 )
         #Com_Owner.AddSections( #Tree.Currentitem )
   Mthroutine Name(AddSections) Access(*private)
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*by_reference)
      Select Fields(*All) From_File(Sectab) With_Key(#Deptment)
         #Com_owner.AddEntry( #section #secdesc "" #xImageSection32 #ParentItem )
         #Com_Owner.AddEmployees( #Tree.Currentitem )
   Mthroutine Name(AddEmployees) Access(*private)
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*by_reference)
      Select Fields(*All) From_File(Pslmst1) With_Key(#Deptment #Section)
         #Com_owner.AddEntry( #empno #Surname #GiveName #xImageEmployee32 #ParentItem )
         #Com_Owner.AddSkills( #Tree.Currentitem )
   Mthroutine Name(AddSkills) Access(*private)
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Pass(*by_reference)
      Select Fields(*All) From_File(Pslskl) With_Key(#empno)
         Fetch Fields(#skildesc) From_File(skltab) With_Key(#skilcode)
         #Com_owner.AddEntry( #Skilcode #Skildesc "" #xImageSkill32 #ParentItem )
   Mthroutine Name(AddEntry) Access(*private)
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#xDemoAlpha128) Name(#Column1)
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#xDemoUnicode128) Name(#Column2) Mandatory("")
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#xDemoUnicode128) Name(#Column3) Mandatory("")
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#prim_flbx) Name(#Image) Mandatory(*null) Pass(*by_reference)
   Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#ParentItem) Mandatory(*null) Pass(*by_reference)
   Define_Map For(*Result) Class(#prim_tvit) Name(#Result) Mandatory(*null) Pass(*by_reference)
      #xDemoUnicode128 := #Column1
      #xDemoUnicode128_2 := #Column2
      #xDemoUnicode128_3 := #Column3
      Add_Entry To_List(#Tree)
      #Tree.Currentitem.ParentItem <= #ParentItem
      #Tree.Currentitem.image <= #Image
      #Result <= #Tree.Currentitem

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2