Solid Brush - Color Property

RGB color value or a LANSA specified color name

Member of Solid Brush (PRIM_VS.SolidBrush)

Data Type - Color


The Color property defines the color of the brush.
Colors can be a specific RGB value e.g. 255:0:0 for Red, the name of a specific color e.g. Red, or one of a selection of abstract Theme related shades e.g. Theme100, Theme500 etc.
When brush colors are being used for a MaskBrush, the color property is evaluated as either Transparent or Opaque, regardless of the color specified.

Theme Color Names

Theme color names represent a set of predefined complementary shades. There are many predefined Themes.

Allowed Values

DescriptionEnum Values
ColorsTheme50, Theme100, Theme200, Theme300, Theme400, Theme500, Theme600, Theme700, Theme800, Theme900, ThemeDisabled, ThemeInactive
Accent ColorsThemeA100, ThemeA200, Theme400, ThemeA700

Allowed Colors

Enum ValueSampleDescription
Aqua RGB - 0:255:255
Black RGB - 0:0:0
Blue RGB - 0:0:255
Brown RGB - 128:64:0
Gray RGB - 128:128:128
Green RGB - 0:128:0
Fuchsia RGB - 255:0:255
Lime RGB - 0:255:0
Maroon RGB - 128:0:0
Navy RGB - 0:0:128
Olive RGB - 128:128:0
Purple RGB - 128:0:128
Red RGB - 255:0:0
Silver RGB - 192:192:192
Teal RGB - 0:128:128
White RGB - 255:255:255
Yellow RGB - 255:255:0

RGB Colors

RGB colors should be entered in the format [0-255]:[0-255]:[0-255]

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2