Web Application - URLChanged Event

Fired whenever the URL changes

Member of Web Application (PRIM_WEB.Application)


The URLChanged event is fired whenever the URL for the page is modified. This includes when the page is first loaded.
The primary benefit of the URLChanged event is being able to attach additional data to the URL. This allows for deeplinking and programmatic processing of the URL after the page load.
The QueryString portion of the URL, the set of name/value pairs after the question mark, can be processed using the URLParameters property.


In this example, if Employee the query string is found, its Value is used.
Evtroutine Handling(#sys_web.URLChanged)
   If (#sys_web.URLParameters<Employee> *IsNot *null)
      #Com_owner.ShowDetails( #sys_web.URLParameters<Employee>.Value )

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2