You are here: Web Services > Working with JSON Data > Using XPRIM_JsonObject and XPRIM_JsonArray

Using XPRIM_JsonObject and XPRIM_JsonArray

XPRIM_JsonObject and XPRIM_JsonArray is an in-memory representation of JSON objects and JSON arrays. They store their child elements in a tree-like structure in memory, to support random access of elements by member name and array index. XPRIM_JsonObject and XPRIM_JsonArray have a common superclass, XPRIM_JsonElement.

As XPRIM_JsonObject/XPRIM_JsonArray are both readable and modifiable (with random access support), they are useful when you need to create an abstract, in-memory, representation of your JSON data, that you need to pass around, to another routine or any third-party library routines.

Note however that if you just need to construct a JSON string (that is, a string representation of a JSON data), you should use XPRIM_JsonWriter instead as XPRIM_JsonWriter is specifically designed to construct a JSON string, so it does that very efficiently, with a minimum memory footprint. Similarly, if you just need to parse a JSON string and read its values, you'd be better off using XPRIM_RandomAccessJsonReader or XPRIM_JsonReader. XPRIM_JsonWriter and XPRIM_JsonReader will be discussed in the next section.

Here is how you create an XPRIM_JsonObject and an XPRIM_JsonArray:

Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_JsonObject) Name(#RootObject)

Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_JsonArray) Name(#JsonArray)

You can then populate your JSON object or JSON array with values.

JSON data has 6 value types:

Both XPRIM_JsonObject and XPRIM_JsonArray have the following methods that each correspond to the type of value it inserts to the object or array:

Note however that the XPRIM_JsonObject's Insert methods would have a Key parameter that specifies the property name of the value to be inserted, whereas the XPRIM_JsonArray's Insert methods wouldn't have a Key parameter as it would just append the value to the end of the array.


* Insert a string "John" as the "name" property of a JSON object

#RootObject.InsertString Key('name') String('John')

* Insert a number 9 into a JSON array

#JsonArray.InsertNumber Number(9)

* Insert a NULL value as the "allergies" property of a JSON object

#RootObject.InsertNull Key('allergies')

The following example show how to create an object/array as a property of another object:

* Define an XPRIM_JsonObject reference

Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_JsonObject) Name(#ChildObject)

* Insert the street & suburb of the address into #ChildObject

#ChildObject.InsertString Key('street') String('122 Arthur St')

#ChildObject.InsertString Key('suburb') String('North Sydney')

* Insert #ChildObject into #RootObject as a member with name "address"

#RootObject.InsertElement Key('address') Element(#ChildObject)

If you want to convert your XPRIM_JsonObject (or XPRIM_JsonArray) into a string (for example for debugging purpose), call the SerializeAsString method.

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_DC.UnicodeString) Name(#MyJsonString)

* Convert JSON to a string

#MyJsonString := #RootObject.SerializeAsString

You can also serialize your JSON object (or array) into a file, using the SerializeToFile method.

#RootObject.SerializeToFile Path('/home/TestJson.txt')

You can also parse a JSON string and construct an XPRIM_JsonObject or XPRIM_JsonArray from the JSON string, using the ParseString and ParseFile methods.

* Define an ErrorInfo object to hold the error details

Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_ErrorInfo) Name(#ErrorInfo)

* Call the 'Parse' method

#RootObject.ParseString String(#JsonString) ErrorInfo(#ErrorInfo)

* Get the error message if parsing failed

If (*Not #ErrorInfo.OK)

    #ErrorMessage := #ErrorInfo.ErrorMessage


You can access the values of an object or an array using one of the Get accessor methods:

For example, if you have a JSON string like this, stored in a variable called '#String':



        "given": "John",

        "surname": "Smith"


    "age": 45,



        { area: "02", no: "9378 2867", type: "landline" },

        { no: "0468 732 371", type: "mobile" }



To parse this JSON string and read its values:

Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_JsonObject) Name(#RootObject)

Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_ErrorInfo) Name(#ErrorInfo)

* Parse JSON string

#RootObject.ParseString String(#String) ErrorInfo(#ErrorInfo)

* First check thst the JSON string was parsed OK

If (#ErrorInfo.OK)

    * Get the values

    #GivenName := #RootItem.GetObject('name').GetString('given')

    #Surname := #RootItem.GetObject('name').GetString('surname')

    #Age := #RootItem.GetNumber('age')


You can use the ItemCount property to tell how many item an array (or object) contains.

Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_JsonArray) Name(#ContactNumbers)

* Get the contactNo value (which is an array), ...

* ... and assign to #ContactNumbers

#ContactNumbers.Refer To(#RootItem.GetArray('contactNo')

* Get the array length using the 'ItemCount' property

#ContactCount := #ContactNumbers.ItemCount

To iterate through elements in a JSON array, you can use the FOR-EACH-IN construct:

* Use the contactNo array from the previous example

FOR EACH(#Number) IN(#ContactNumbers)

   #COM_SELF.ProcessContactNumber Number(#Number)


You can check the type of a JSON element (XPRIM_JsonElement) by reading its Type property, which will return one of the following values:

If you just want to check if a JSON element is of a certain type, you can use one of the Is… method:

Next: Using XPRIM_JsonWriter to Construct JSON Strings