8.1.4 SuperServer

Use the LANSA SuperServer installation options to configure your application to automatically connect to a server at run time. You do not need to specify these options if you are using the LANSA SuperServer Built-In Functions in your application.

LANSA SuperServer Built-In Functions include DEFINE_OS_400_SERVER, CONNECT_SERVER and CONNECT_FILE.

Server Type (PSTY and DBID)

If you are using the PSXX parameters, specify the Server Type you wish to connect to.

None - You are not using the PSXX parameters.

DBID setting of *NONE will bypass any processing of tables as there is no associated database.  If you need to deploy table OAMs, for example to access local OTHER tables using ODBC, deploy the OAMs as non-LANSA objects.

RDMLX IBM i - You are connecting to an IBM i server with LANSA enabled for RDMLX. This sets PSTY and DBID to *ANY.

IBM i - You are connecting to an IBM i server. This sets PSTY and DBID to *AS400.

Non-IBM i - You are connecting to a server other than an IBM i (e.g., Windows Server). This sets PSTY and DBID to *OTHER.

Default: [None]

If Non-IBM i is selected you may need to set the values for Server Exceptional Arguments.

Server Name (PSLU)

Default: [None]

The name of the server you wish to connect to as defined in LANSA Communications Administrator. A corresponding entry should exist in the LANSA Communications Administration table (lroute.dat).

User for Server (PSUS)

Default: [User]

You do not need to specify this option if the value is the same as the LANSA User.

Password for Server (PSPW)

Default: [None]

If PSPW is only being used to specify the default password for the CONNECT_SERVER Built-In Function do not specify it here.  Add the parameter via the X_RUN Arguments dialog.


For details of all the following options, refer to the PSXX=Server Parameters in the Technical Reference.

Server Exceptional Arguments (PSEA)

Default: [None]


Use Commitment Control (PSCC)

Default: [None]


DBCS Capable (PSDB)

Default: [None]

Divert Locks (PSDL)

Default: [None]

Show Please Wait Message (PSWM)

Default: [None]

Server Execution priority (PSEP)

Default: [None]

Client to Server Table (PSCT)

Default: [None]

Server to Client Table (PSST)

Default: [None]

Server Trusted Connection (PSTC)

Yes – Use Kerberos Authentication when calling the CONNECT_SERVER Built-In Function.

No – Do not use Kerberos Authentication when calling the CONNECT_SERVER Built-In Function.

Default: No