13.4 Application Server
Connection details for the database must be specified to ensure correct entries are created in the X_LANSA.PRO file.
Automatically configured during installation:
- Grant "Everyone" full control to the root install folder and subtree.
- A Local User is created/set up
- If SQL Server, creates that Local User as a database user and sets up appropriate access rights.
Manual Tasks after Installation:
- If not SQL Server, give the web user appropriate rights to logon to the database server.
- The dc_w08.dat is created by the install. Any modifications from the default need to be made manually after install using the Web Administrator. The default values are: Any web server, from any port, with anonymous user, for any partition.
- If a connect in the Web Administrator returns error 0x1C, then Install Server Support has been omitted. A communications trace reveals failure to load LXCP0010.DLL.