"Internal Query Error"
This message is widely used to indicate unexpected situations encountered during the creation or execution of a query. Possible reasons for such a message are:
If you encounter this error message then please try to reproduce the steps that produced it, then contact your database administrator for assistance.
"LCE0035 - File(s) defined in LceUseField function not defined in the LANSA data dictionary"
The files you are trying to access have not been imported into the partition on the IBM i.
"Query cannot be loaded" when you try to open or run an existing query
The existing query may have been created using files in another partition or the file definitions have been changed at the host since the query was created.
"LCE0023 - A Communications Error has occurred for the action, xxxxx. The return code is yyyyy"
For the cause of the error, refer to the return codes in the Internal Error Reason Codes list.
"You are licensed at the Server to use this product. However, the maximum number of users are already using it"
The number of users licensed to use LANSA Client simultaneously has been exceeded.
"File in saved query does not exist on host"
The existing query has been built using files in a different partition or you are no longer authorized to use the file specified in the query.
"Internal Error"
This message is displayed if an exception is found during the process of saving results to a file. Such an error normally originates from the database.
If you encounter this error message then please try to reproduce the steps that produced it, then contact your database administrator for assistance.