The VLF's Snap-In Architecture

The VLF is based on a 'snap-in' architecture.

This means that there are many places that you can snap-in your own custom code to change how the VLF behaves.

Filters and command handlers are by far the most commonly used VLF snap-in points.

What nearly all snap-ins have in common is that they must use a prescribed VLF ancestor.

The ancestor typically provides services to them.

They can modify (i.e. customize) and extend the behavior of the ancestor.

VLF-WIN has quite a few additional snap-in points for you to use.

VLF-ONE has even more.

The snap-in points are summarized here as a future point of reference and to help you broadly understand the scope of what types of snap-ins are available:  

VLF-ONE Snap-In Points Summary

VLF-WIN Snap-In Points Summary