Step 2. Prototype the Instance List

An instance list is a list of results returned from your filter.  You define one or more columns that are visible in your instance list.

 In this step, you will change the columns in the instance list to make the prototype more realistic.

1.  In the Employee business object properties select the Instance List tab.

2.  Specify xEmployee as the table which most closely resembles the business object. You now see the columns in the table in the list on the left.

3.  Delete the two display columns in the list on the right which were created by default (click the columns and choose Delete this Column).

4.  Drag the xEmployeeIdentification, xEmployeeSurname and xEmployeeGivenNames columns to the list of columns to be displayed.

5.  Drag the xEmployeeIdentification column to the list below to uniquely identify the instance list entries by this column.


6.  Lastly click on the Identification column in the list of columns to be displayed, and change its caption to ID: