How do I pick up the servers that have been defined in the Framework using the Servers option of the Administration menu?

This code snippet demonstrates how to display a message showing all the servers defined in the network:

* Use VL's F2 feature help to see all properties exposed by this server object

Define_Com Class(#VF_FP007) Name(#Server) Reference(*dynamic)

* Get the first server

Invoke Method(#uSystem.uServerContainer.uFirstServer) Userverref(#Server) Ucursor(#vf_elnum) Ureturncode(#vf_elretc)

Dowhile Cond('#vf_elretc = ok')

* The VF_FP007 server object has a set of properties that define the server.

* These properties are READ ONLY in this context and must not ever be updated.

* For example ..

Use message_box_add ('Caption' #Server.uCaption)

Use message_box_add ('Type'    #Server.uServerType)

Use message_box_add ('LU Name' #Server.uServerLUName)

Use Message_box_show (ok ok info)

* Get the next server

Invoke Method(#uSystem.uServerContainer.uNextServer) Userverref(#Server) Ucursor(#vf_elnum) Ureturncode(#vf_elretc)
