9.5 Standard Weblets

Following is a description of the standard weblets in alpha sequence, their properties and how to use them in your own webroutines. You will not use every property available for a weblet.

Anchor (std_anchor and std_anchor_s1)

Provides a hyperlink (or anchor) control and broadly corresponds to the HTML element that designates the destination of a hypertext link.

Autocomplete (std_autocomplete)

While you type, the Autocomplete weblet provides suggestions provided by a WebRoutine using Ajax.

Boolean (std_boolean)

This weblet generates an HTML element that jQuery Mobile converts into a sliding switch.

Button (std_button_s1 and std_button_v2)

Represents creates a clickable button and can contain custom HTML like formatted text and images (unlike a button created with the Input box weblet).

Checkbox (std_checkbox)

A standard checkbox control which jQuery Mobile will modify to fit the current theme.

Collapsible Block (std_collapsible)

A section of content that the user can show or hide by clicking on its header.

Collapsible Set (std_collapsibleset

A wrapper that can be placed around multiple Collapsible Block weblets to create an accordian. You create the Collibsible Block weblets and place them into the content area of the Collapsible Set weblet.

Control Group (std_controlgroup)

A wrapper that can be placed around multiple buttons, checkboxes or radio buttons to group them together.

File Upload (std_fileupload)

This weblet allows you to select files to upload to a temporary directory on the application server. The receiving webroutine can then manipulate the uploaded files.

Footer (std_footer)

A jQuery Mobile toolbar at the bottom of the page. Can be "fixed" to remain in position when the page is scrolled or configured to show or hide itself when the user taps on the screen.

Header (std_header)

A jQuery Mobile toolbar at the top of the page. Can be "fixed" at the top of the screen to remain in position when the page is scrolled or show or hide itself when the user taps on the screen.

HTML List (std_html_list)

A wide range of lists and formatting types that are used for data display, navigation, result lists, and data entry.

HTML List Item (std_html_li)

Adds items to a HTML List weblet.

HTML Textarea (std_textarea)

An element that can be used for the display and input of long text values spanning multiple lines.

Image (std_image)

Displays an image.

Input Box (std_input)

This weblet creates an element is the basic form of data entry in HTML pages. Used to create every type of input control (including buttons) that HTML supports except multiline text fields.

Layout Grid (std_gridlayout)

Used if you need to place small elements side-by-side (like buttons or navigation tabs, for example).

Loader (std_loader)

A small loading overlay displayed when jQuery Mobile loads in content via AJAX, or for use in custom notifications.

Messages (std_messages)

Displays messages created with the RDMLX Message command.

Mobiscroll Date and Time Picker (std_mobiscroll)

A customizable date and time picker optimised for mobile devices.

Navigation Bar (std_navbar)

A very basic widget that can provide up to 5 buttons with optional icons.

Progress bar (std_progressbar)

Display status of a determinate process.

Radio Button Group (std_radbuttons)

Creates a set of radio buttons linked to an RDMLX field.

RDMLX Working List (std_repeater)

Provides a flexible mechanism to process working lists.

Select Menu (std_dropdown)

Based on a native select element, which is hidden from view and replaced with a custom-styled select button that matches the look and feel of the jQuery Mobile framework.