Step 3. Complete Definition of Toolbar Menu Item Weblet

WAM105 - Create Your Own Weblet

In this step you will complete the coding of the toolbar menu item weblet. You will add code to:

1.  Switch to the iii_toolbar_menuitem or open it in the editor if necessary. Select the XSL tab.

2.  Immediately following the <xsl:template name="iii_toolbar_menuitem"> tag, paste in the following code to define the weblet parameters. Review the comments for each parameter to see where it will be used.


<!-- Used to set the Menu Text on the toolbar image -->
      <xsl:param name="menu_text" wd:type="std:mtxt_variable" select="'Caption'" />
      <!-- Used to set the image use for the toolbar Icon -->
      <xsl:param name="menu_image" wd:type="std:html_img_relative"
                 select="'/icons/normal/16/folder_16.png'" />
      <!-- Used to set the ALT tag on the toolbar IMG tag -->
      <xsl:param name="tooltip_text" wd:type="std:mtxt_variable"
                 select="'Caption'" />
      <!-- Used to set the Rentry Field Name when the toolbar Icon is clicked -->
      <xsl:param name="reentryfield"
                 select="'STDRENTRY'" wd:tip_id="" />
      <!-- Used to set the Rentry Field Value when the toolbar Icon is clicked-->
      <xsl:param name="reentryvalue" select="'M'" wd:tip_id="" />
      <!-- Used to set the Menu Text on the toolbar image -->
      <xsl:param name="hide_if" wd:type="std:boolean" select="false()"
                 wd:tip_id="" />
      <!-- Used to specify the WAMNAME to call when toolbar Icon is clicked -->
      <!-- It will default to the current WAM if no value is specified -->
      <xsl:param name="on_click_wamname" wd:type="std:wam"
                 select="/lxml:data/lxml:context/lxml:webapplication" wd:tip="" />
      <!-- Used to specify the WebRoutine to call when toolbar Icon is clicked -->
      <xsl:param name="on_click_wrname"
                 wd:type="std:webroutine[wam=$on_click_wamname]" wd:tip="" />

     This block of code defines the parameters that can be passed into the template when the toolbar menu item template is called, in a similar way to calling a subroutine with parameters. Once defined these become the properties that can be set in the Design view for a web page that uses this weblet.

     For example: a parameter, named menu_text, has a default value of 'Caption'. In the completed anchor tag code following, note that the variable $menu_text is used as the caption text below the toolbar item image.

3.  Save your changes.

4.  You will now complete the code for the <A> anchor tag. Copy the following code and paste it to replace the skeleton code for the <A> tag, which you placed there earlier.

<a href="../../../ocument./index.htm" target="_blank"yfield}','{$reentryvalue}');HandleEvent('{$on_click_wamname}','{$on_click_wrname}');">
            <img alt="{$tooltip_text}" src="/images/{$menu_image}" border="0" />
            <br />
            <span class="std_menuitem">
               <xsl:value-of select="$menu_text" />

     Note the following points about these changes:

5.  Save your changes

6.  In this step you will add xsl code to condition the anchor tag, based on the $hide_if parameter.

     Note: The <xsl:if> element must have an </xsl:if> end tag. The <xsl:if> must surround the entire <A HREF . . . .> tag. Add the highlighted code only:

<xsl:if test="not($hide_if)">

       <a href="j.././index.htm" target="_blank". . . 




     Hint: The XSL editor autocomplete function will generate the </xsl:if> when you complete the beginning tag, <xsl:if . . . >. Move this to the required position after the </a> tag.   

      The variable $hide_if is a Boolean, with a default value of 'false' as shown in the parameter definitions.

7.  In this step you will add Weblet Parameter tooltips by copying in the following code, following the </wd:definition>. Note this is the end tag for the block beginning <wd:definition>.
Replace iii in <wd:template name with your initials.

<wd:template name="iii_toolbar_menuitem">
      <wd:description icon="icons/userdefn.ico">
         <wd:name lang="ENG">iii Toolbar Menu Item</wd:name>
      <wd:param name="menu_text">
         <wd:tip lang="ENG">Menu Text to display below the image on the toolbar menu item</wd:tip>
      <wd:param name="menu_image">
         <wd:tip lang="ENG">Image to display on the toolbar menu item</wd:tip>
      <wd:param name="tooltip_text">
         <wd:tip lang="ENG">Tooltip text to display on the toolbar menu item</wd:tip>



8.  Look towards the top of your toolbar XSL to find the statement:

     <xsl:import href="std_types.xsl" /> and add the following line after that line:

     <xsl:import href="std_keys.xsl" />

The std_keys XSL defines xsl:key's  such as "field-caption" and "field-value" that are used during transformation to extract data from the Data XML output via the WebRoutine.