The InboundLocation handler can only send a reply, so it is used in conjunction with other inbound content handlers.
When the SEND command of this content handler is executed the following steps occur:
1. If no URL keyword is supplied, an error is returned.
2. If the URL keyword value string starts and ends with double quotes, then these are removed.
To create a LANSAWEB procfun query string, include the PROCESS and FUNCTION keywords. If these are present, optional PARTITION and LANGUAGE keywords can be used and the partition will default to the current program partition using the command.getClient().getPartition() method and the language will be added to the end if available.
The InboundLocation handler returns the following type of HTTP response.
Status: 303 See Other |
Location: url |
SEND HANDLER(InboundLocation) URL(/index.html)
SEND HANDLER(InboundLocation) URL(
SEND HANDLER(InboundLocation) URL("" )
SEND HANDLER(InboundLocation) URL(/cgi-bin/acmeweb) PROCESS(PROC01) FUNCTION(FUNC01)