2.3 Housekeeping Menu

The Housekeeping Menu provides access to the utilities which are used to set up and maintain the LANSA environments.


 pppHKPMENU                   Housekeeping Menu                        


 Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press Enter.


  2 1. Review access to objects defined within LANSA                   

    2. Review user access to LANSA system                              

    3. Submit job to reorg LANSA internal database                     

    4. Change partition being worked with                              

    5. Create or change system partition definitions                   

    6. Work with partition multilingual attributes                     

    7. Use the file maintenance utility                                

    8. Work with list of objects to be exported                        

    9. Import objects into this partition                              

   10. Work with Application Template definitions                      

   11. Use the dictionary conversion utility (if installed)            

   12. Create, review or run an online presentation                    

   13. Work with multilingual development textual data                 

   14. Work with tasks                                                 


 F1=Help  F3=Exit  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages                            



For details of all these options, refer to Housekeeping in the LANSA for i User Guide.

Of particular importance when starting with LANSA are the first two functions. These give users:

These options allow you to provide a secure LANSA environment. LANSA provides security at field, file and function levels through these options and the field and file options in the Repository. Refer to 2.4 Allowing Users Access to LANSA.

In addition to changes made to LANSA from the Housekeeping Menu, there are other important LANSA objects, such as the LANSA System Data Areas, which affect the LANSA operating environment and its defaults.