Step 3. Add Languages for Multilingual Use
If you have specified YES for Multilingual Support on the Add System Partition screen in Step 2, you need to perform these steps to define the language you require and provide translations for all menu options and function key descriptions.
1. From the Housekeeping Menu, select the Change partition being worked with option. The Systems Partitions screen is displayed with a list of the existing partitions.
2. From the System Partitions list, select the partition to be worked with (in this example DEV) and press Enter. The Housekeeping Menu will be displayed for you to select the change you require.
3. Choose the Work with partition multilingual attributes option from the Housekeeping Menu. The Multilingual Partition Languages screen, similar to this example, will be displayed with the languages already available:
DC@P400501 Multilingual Partition Languages
Multilingual Partition : DEV
Select language to review/change or use Add key to add a new language
Sel Language Description Default
_ ENG English
_ DEU German YES
_ TCHI Traditional Chinese
_ HEB Hebrew +
F1=Help F3=Exit F6=Add/Create F12=Cancel F14=Messages
4. Press the Add/Create key to add a new language, or if you wish to review/amend a language listed, select the language and press Enter.
The Add or Review/Change Multilingual Partition Language screen will be displayed, as appropriate.
DC@P400502 Display Multilingual Partition Language
Multilingual Partition . . . . . . : XXX
Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENG
Language description . . . . . . . . English
DBCS support required . . . . . . . NO YES, NO
IGCCNV required . . . . . . . . . . NO YES, NO
Function key / description . . . . /
Line number . . . . . . . . . . .
RLTB support required . . . . . . . NO YES, NO
Default language . . . . . . . . . . YES YES, NO
Development language . . . . . . . . NO YES, NO
PC Locale uppercasing required . . . NO YES, NO
Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Change Fnn=Delete
To add a new language, enter a four character identifier representing the language you require and a description of the language.
5. Press Enter to continue to the Multilingual SAA/CUA Defaults.
DC@P400503 Display Multilingual SAA / CUA Defaults
Multilingual Partition . . . . . : XXX
Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENG
Language description . . . . . . . English
Partition description . . . . . Demonstration and Training Partition
Process menu prompt line . . . . .
Enter number of function required or place cursor on same line.
Help option on menus . . . . . . . Display process/function HELP text
Return prefix on menus . . . . . . Return to
Exit option on menus . . . . . . . Exit from system
Library for Panel Groups . . . . .
User message files . . . . . . . .
IBM i EBCDIC CCSID . . . . . . 00037
Windows ANSI code page . . . . 00819
Linux code page . . . . . . . 0000000000
Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Change
6. Enter the text you require if you are creating a new language, or, if you have selected an existing language, amend the text if required. Press Enter to continue to the Multilingual Function Key defaults.
The Multilingual Function Key Defaults are spread over 2 panels. Use roll-up to reach the next screen when there is "+" in right bottom corner.
DC@P400504 Add Multilingual Function Key Defaults
Multilingual partition . . . . . : DEV
Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . : GAL
Language description . . . . . . . : Gaelic
SAA/CUA function key description Short form Default
Cancel current action Cancel 12
Enter any entry fields Enter RA
Request help for the current function Help 01
Display choices from a list of entries Prompt 04
Restore or refresh panel Refresh 05
Application defined messages key Messages 14
Scroll panel backward Bkwd 07
Allow entry of a command Command 09
Display cycle of function key area forms Keys 13
Exit to the highest level Exit 03
Exit to the next level above Exit 03
Move cursor to first field on the screen Home HM
Scroll panel forward Forward 08 +
DC@P400504 Add Multilingual Function Key Defaults
Multilingual partition . . . . . : DEV
Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . : GAL
Language description . . . . . . . : Gaelic
SAA/CUA function key description Short form Default
Cancel current action Cancel 12
Enter any entry fields Enter RA
Request help for the current function Help 01
Display choices from a list of entries Prompt 04
Restore or refresh panel Refresh 05
Application defined messages key Messages 14
Scroll panel backward Bkwd 07
Allow entry of a command Command 09
Display cycle of function key area forms Keys 13
Exit to the highest level Exit 03
Exit to the next level above Exit 03
Move cursor to first field on the screen Home HM
Scroll panel forward Forward 08 +
Display table of contents for help Contents 23
Provide information about entire panel Ex Help 02
Provide index of help information Help index 11
Provide names and functions of keys Keys help 09
Scroll panel left Left 19
Re‑display last command that was issued Retrieve 09
Scroll panel right Right 20
Move cursor backward Switchbkwd 18
Move cursor forward Switch fwd 06
Move cursor to action bar Actions 10
Application defined add key Add/Create 06
Application defined change key Change 21
Application defined delete key Delete 22
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Messages
7. Make changes as required. The standard defaults are displayed if the language you have selected is already available. (In this example, the default is English.)
8. Press Enter and the new language (Gaelic in this example) will be created.
After a short wait, you will be returned to the Multilingual Partition Languages screen.
To add another new language, select the Add/Create key and repeat these steps.
When all required languages have been entered, press the Exit function key to return to the LANSA Main System Menu.
For further information about the entries on this screen, refer to Partition Multilingual Attributes in the LANSA for i User Guide.