Whenever you commit amendments you change the definition of the file. To include these amendments in the I/O module which controls all access to the file, you must make the file operational.
1. Return to the File Control Menu and select the Make new or amended file definition operational option.
2. Nominate the file you wish to work with via the Select File to Work With screens.
The Create/Recreate a File from its Definition screen is displayed:
This step submits a job to create the I/O module for the file.
The File Name is inserted as the Job Name, which you can change, if you wish.
3. Press Enter to submit the job.
Progress messages are displayed in the bottom section of the screen.
When the job has been successfully completed, the I/O module will include all the file's and field's validations, default values, batch control logic, triggers and so on.
To find out what else happens when a file is made operational, refer to Submitting Job to Make File Definition Operational in the LANSA for i User Guide.