Step 2. Select the fields for the File

After you have committed your new file definition, the File Definition Menu (Create) is displayed for you to select the fields which make up the record layout.

Before you can do this, your fields must have been defined using the procedures described in Building the LANSA Repository - Fields.

1.  Select the Define fields in file definition option and press Enter.


 pppFILREV              File Definition Menu (Create)                  


 Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press Enter.


  1  1. Define fields in file definition                               

     2. Define logical views of file                                   

     3. Define file validation checks                                  

     4. Define access routes to other files                            

     5. Define virtual fields                                          

     6. Define batch control logic                                     

     7. Review or change database file attributes                      

     8. Review or change file multilingual attributes                  

     9. Load definition of file not maintained by LANSA                

    10. Exit from LANSA                                                



 File being worked with is . . . . : File Description                  

 Name and library are  . . . . . . : FileName    Library               


 F1=Help  F3=Exit  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages                            



     The Display Fields in File Definition screen is presented.


 DC@P200501              Display Field Definition                      


 File :  FileName   Library    File Description             (Language) 



  Seq   Name       Description                          Key order Src  







  File FileName from Library currently has no fields defined in it.    


  F1=Help  F3=Exit  F6=Add/Create  F12=Cancel  F4=Messages  



     As this is a new file, there are no fields displayed.

2.  Select F6 (Add/Create) and the Add Field Definition screen is displayed.


 DC@P200501                Add Field Definition                        


 File :  FileName   Library    File Description             (Language) 



  Seq   Name       Description                          Key order Src  

  ___   ________                                             __        

  ___   ________                                             __        

  ___   ________                                             __        

  ___   ________                                             __        

  ___   ________                                             __        

  ___   ________                                             __        

  ___   ________                                             __        

  ___   ________                                             __        


  File FileName from Library currently has no fields defined in it.    


  F1=Help  F3=Exit  F12=Cancel  F4=Messages    



3.  You can choose to either:


     If you choose to enter the field names, LANSA will attempt to find the matching field details. If a name that you have entered happens to be a partial name of another field, all the other fields containing the partial name will be displayed with a message telling you what has been displayed.

     To request a list of fields to choose from, in Name, enter:

     DEM has been used as the partial name in this example:


 DC@P800501           Select Field from Data Dictionary                






 Either Choose field required from list below,                         

 Or     Enter a new full or partial search name : DEM                  


 Sel  Field      Description                             Typ Len  Dec  

  __  NAMCDE     Name and Address Code                    A   11       

  __  DEMAD1     Address Line 1                           A   25       

  __  DEMAD2     Address Line 2                           A   25       

  __  DEMAD3     Address Line 3                           A   25       

  __  DEMCAT     Product Category                         A   13     + 



 F1=Help  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages              



     Select the fields for the file by entering a sequence number in the Sel column. If you want different fields listed, use the Page Down key or re-enter the selection criteria.

     The fields you select are displayed immediately in the top half of the screen.


 DC@P800501           Select Field from Data Dictionary               


Type option, press enter         4=Delete from current list

Act Seq   Field          Description                    Typ  Len  Dec

     10   NAMCDE         Name and Address Code           A    11     

     20   DEMAD1         Address Line 1                  A    25      

     30   DEMAD2         Address Line 2                  A    25      

     40   DEMAD3         Address Line 3                  A    25      




Full/Partial name of fields to be displayed from Data Dict ____________

Type option, press enter  1 to 99999=Select to add to current list     

  Sel Field       Description                            Typ  Len  Dec 

  __  NAMCDE      Name and Address Code                   A    11      

  __  DEMAD1      Address Line 1                          A    25      

  __  DEMAD2      Address Line 2                          A    25      

  __  DEMAD3      Address Line 3                          A    25      

  __  DEMCAT      Product Category                        A    13    + 


  F1=Help   F12=Cancel   F14=Messages           



     Continue selecting fields until you have selected all the fields that are required for the file.

     Press Enter when you have completed your selection.

4.  The Display Field Definition screen is now displayed with a list of your selected fields:


 DC@P200501              Display Field Definition                      


 File : File Name   Library   File Name                     (Language) 



  Seq   Name       Description                          Key order Src  

   10   NAMCDE     Name and address code                      1        

   20   DEMAD1     Address line 1                                      

   30   DEMAD2     Address line 2                                      

   40   DEMAD3     Address line 3                                      



  F1=Help  F3=Exit  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages  F21=Change  F22=Delete   



5.  Nominate the key fields by adding a sequence number in the Key Order column.

     You can delete fields from this list or change the sequence. If you have duplicated a sequence number, the fields will be sorted alphabetically within the sequence number.

6.  Press Enter when you have completed the list. The File Definition Menu (Review) is displayed.

Go to Step 3. Review the Definition.