Select Fields for Profile Search

When you select Fields by Profile Search this screen is displayed:


 DC@P410008       Add FIELD Entry by Profile Search                    


 Run in Batch  YES     Enter Operation and Value/s for search criteria 

 Field name        __ __________                                       

 Description       __ _____________________________________            

 Field type        __ _______       Length  __ ___      Decimals  __ _ 

 Reference Field   __ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

                      _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

 Label             __ ___________       Col Hdg 1  __ ________________ 

 Col Hdg 2         __ _____________      Col Hdg 3  __ ________________

 O/P attribute     __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

 I/P attribute     __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

 Edit code         __ _       Edit word  __ _________________          

 Default      __ _________________ _________________ _________________ 

 value           _________________ _________________ _________________ 

                 _________________ _________________ _________________ 


 Alias name        __ ___________________          System field  __ ___

 Prompt Pro/fun    __ ________ / ______                                

 Help Text         __ _________________________                        

 Rules/Trigger     __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __                    

 Last Action       __ ________ __  (YYYYMMDD Action)                   


 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          



The Run in Batch option can be YES or NO. For details of Run in Batch see 5.14.9 Run Impact List searches in Batch.

Entries for Field Profile search:




Field name

EQ,= ,NE,blank


blank, full or partial name

Pattern example:


_ _MM_ _


EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank


Field type

EQ,= ,NE,blank



EQ,= ,GT,> , GE,>=,LT,< , LE,<=,NE,blank

must be numeric or blank


EQ,= ,GT,> , GE,>=,LT,< , LE,<=,NE,blank

must be numeric or blank


EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank


Col Hdg 1

EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank


Col Hdg 2

EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank


Col Hdg 3

EQ,= ,NE,IN, blank


Reference Field

EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank


O/P attribute

EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank


I/P attribute

EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank


Edit code

EQ,= ,NE,blank


Edit word

EQ,= ,NE,blank


Default value

EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank


Alias name

EQ,= ,NE,blank


System field

EQ,= ,NE,blank

blank, YES, NO

Prompt Pro/Fun

EQ,= ,NE,blank

The value consists of two parts, a Process and a Function. Possible combinations are : both blank (no search), both entered (search on Process and Function), Process entered with blank Function (search on Process only), Function entered with blank Process (search on Function only).

Help Text

EQ,= ,IN, blank



EQ,= ,NE,LS, blank

blank, RV(range of values), LV(list of values), CF(file lookup), SL(evaluate expression),   CL(call program), DC(date check), TR(trigger)

Last Action

EQ,= ,GT,> , GE,>=,LT,< , LE,<=,NE,blank

The value consists of two parts, a date in YYYYMMDD format and an action. Possible combinations are: both blank (no search), both entered (search on date and action), date entered with blank action (search on date and any action).

Possible values for action: blank, AE(exported to IBM i), CI(checked in), CM(compiled), CO(checked out), CR(created), DI(Deliver To), IM(imported), MD(modified), WE(exported to workstation), MC (modified by checkin), MI (modified by import).