1.5 The Major LANSA Developer Menus
The first menu that is presented when LANSA is started is the MAIN SYSTEM MENU. This menu controls access to all other components of the system:
pppSYSMENU Main System Menu Current Task ID XXXXXXXX
Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press Enter
__ 1. Use a process
2. Submit a process to batch
3. Field control menu
4. File control menu
5. Process control menu
6. Housekeeping menu
7. Work with Administration Tasks
8. Display submitted jobs - workstation
9. Display submitted jobs - user
10. Display workstation message queue
11. Exit from LANSA
Fnn=HELP Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Chg Tsk ID
From this screen it is possible (if you are authorized) to:
- Execute a process interactively (i.e. at your workstation)
- Submit a process for execution in a batch environment
- Display the Field Control Menu
- Display the File Control Menu
- Display the Process Control Menu
- Display the Housekeeping Menu
- Display the Administration Tasks Menu
Current Task ID
If you have Task Tracking active and you sign on with a Task ID, you will find that the Current Task ID is displayed on every screen. You can change the current Task ID if you are authorized to do so.
The menu that controls the definition and amendment of fields is the Field Control Menu:
pppDICMENU Field Control Menu Current Task ID XXXXXXXX
Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press Enter
__ 1. Create new field definitions
2. Review or change field definitions
3. Review or change field multilingual attributes
4. Review, change or create field validation checks
5. Review, change or create field HELP text
6. Print field definitions
7. Create new system variable definitions
8. Review or change system variable definitions
9. Create new multilingual variables
10. Review or change multilingual variables
11. Create or re-create a field reference file
12. Exit from LANSA
Fnn=HELP Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Chg Tsk Id
Note that only entries which you are authorized to use will appear on your menu. Multilingual entries will only appear in a multilingual partition. The Current Task ID is only displayed if Task Tracking is active. For more information about Task Tracking, refer to 1.11 Task Tracking.
The menu that controls the definition and amendment of files is the File Control Menu:
pppFILMENU File Control Menu Current Task ID XXXXXXXX
Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press Enter
__ 1. Create a new file definition
2. Review or change a file definition
3. Delete a file definition
4. Make new or amended file definition operational
5. Print file definitions
6. Bulk Load of OTHER Files
7. Exit from LANSA
Fnn=HELP Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Chg Tsk Id
Note that only entries which you are authorized to use will appear on your menu. The Current Task ID is only displayed if Task Tracking is active.
The Bulk Load of OTHER files is optionally available in each partition. To enable this option for a partition, you must use the LANSA Import facility and import from save file LS@BULKLOD.
The menu that controls the definition and amendment of processes is the Process Control Menu:
pppPROMENU Process Control Menu Current Task ID XXXXXXXX
Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press Enter
__ 1. Create a new process definition
2. Review or change a process definition
3. Delete a process definition
4. Compile a process from new or amended definition
5. Review, change or create process HELP text
6. Print process definitions
7. Use a process
8. Submit a process to batch
9. Turn LANSA debugging mode on
10. Turn LANSA debugging mode off
11. Exit from LANSA
Fnn=HELP Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Chg Tsk Id
Note that only entries which you are authorized to use will appear on your menu. The Current Task ID is only displayed if Task Tracking is active.
The menu that controls access to the housekeeping facilities within LANSA is the Housekeeping Menu:
pppHKPMENU Housekeeping Menu Current Task ID XXXXXXXX
Enter number of function or place cursor on same line and press Enter
__ 1. Review access to objects defined within LANSA
2. Review user access to LANSA system
3. Submit job to reorg LANSA internal database
4. Change partition being worked with
5. Create or change system partition definitions
6. Work with partition multilingual attributes
7. Use the file maintenance utility
8. Work with list of objects to be exported
9. Import objects into this partition
10. Work with Application Template definitions
11. Use the dictionary conversion utility (if installed)
12. Create, review or run an online presentation
13. Work with multilingual development textual data
14. Work with tasks
Fnn=HELP Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Messages Fnn=Chg Tsk Id
Note that only entries which you are authorized to use will appear on your menu. The Current Task ID is only displayed if Task Tracking is active.