3.1.2 When Amended File Definition Is Made Operational

When the LANSA file definition has been amended and the menu option to make an amended file definition operational is taken this occurs:

Type Of Amendment

Actions Taken During Re-Creation

New logical view added

New logical view created in temp area

New logical view moved to user library.

New field added to file

New physical file created in temp area

New logical views created in temp area

New I/O module created in temp area

New physical file in temp area loaded from existing physical file.

Existing physical file renamed *

Existing logical views deleted

Existing I/O module deleted

New physical file moved to user library

New logical views moved to user library

New I/O module moved to user library

Validation rules changed

New I/O module created in temp area

Existing I/O module deleted

New I/O module moved to user library.


Note the action indicated with a "*". The existing physical file is renamed by prefixing it with "$$". Thus existing file CUSMST will be renamed $$CUSMST before the new version of CUSMST is actually moved into the user library.

This is an important step because it means that the data in the file can never be accidentally lost. However, 2 points should be noted: