Note that the type of record select/omit logic used by LANSA is identical and totally compatible with that used in IBM i DDS (data description specifications). In fact the select/omit criteria specified under LANSA are directly translated into DDS select/omit statements.
The only difference is that under LANSA the full words "SELECT" or "OMIT" are used. In DDS these are indicated by entering an "S" or "O" into column 17 of the input form. Other than this difference they are absolutely identical in specification logic.
The type of checking done by LANSA to the select/omit statements entered is relatively unsophisticated. As such the possibility arises of invalid select/omit statements being accepted into the system.
If this happens the problem will manifest the first time that an attempt is made to create the logical file. The LANSA job will fail and messages on the job log will indicate that the logical file failed to create successfully. If this happens, examine all source listings named QDDSSRC produced by the job. Locate those containing errors. If the errors indicate problems with the DDS select/omit statements generated by LANSA then delete and redefine the associated logical file so that the LANSA select/omit statements are acceptable to the DDS processor.
Since the LANSA select/omit statements are totally compatible with those used in DDS it would be beneficial to read the sections in the IBM supplied manual Data Description Specifications that relate to select/omit processing and the select/omit keywords COMP, RANGE, VALUES and ALL.