3.13.3 Add a New Rule or Trigger

This display results if the Add/Create function key was used from the display of all existing rules and triggers.


 DC@P700101                Select Rule / Trigger                       


 File         : XXX   ...................................        (XXXX)

 Field        : XXX   :      Add Rule / Trigger         :        (XXXX)

                      : Use cursor to make a selection. :         Usage

Sel Seq Description   :   Range of Values Rule          :         A/C/D

       **** DICTION   :   List of Values Rule           :              

 _  10 Check not bl   :   File Entry Lookup Rule        : TIONARY Y Y Y

 _  20 Check valida   :   Evaluate Expression for Rule  : TIONARY Y Y Y

                      :   Call User Program for Rule    :              

                      :   Date Range/Format Rule        :              

                      :   Add a Trigger                 :              

                      :   Cancel Add Request            :              

                      : Fnn=Help Fnn=Messages Fnn=Cancel:              




 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Add/Create  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages          



Position the screen cursor anywhere on the same screen line as the type of item you wish to add/create. This method of selection is identical to that used to select entries from any of the LANSA menus.

Once a type of rule or a trigger has been selected the next display will ask for a detailed specification of the rule or trigger.

A detailed description of new rules and triggers is described in detail for Fields. While the Field description applies to dictionary level rules and triggers, the displays used and input requirements are absolutely identical for File level rules and triggers.