Concatenation Field Examples

This screen demonstrates the use of the "Concatenation of field(s)" option and how it may be used in joining together a number of fields (real or virtual) to form a virtual field after input from a file.

Using the idea of the chart of accounts example we will switch the real and the virtual fields around so we now have 3 "real" fields COMPNO (alpha length 2), DIVNUM (alpha length 2) and COSTCT (alpha length 4) and join them together to form the "virtual" field CHTACC (alpha length 8):



 DC@P201606          Concatenation of field(s)                         


 File: ACCMST     Accounts Master file                                 


 Virtual field: CHTACC     Chart of accounts number             


 Derive "virtual" field on input from file . . .  YES  YES, NO       

 Setup "real" field before output to file  . . .  NO   YES, NO       


         Using fields                                                  







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