4.14.2 When You Use the Application Template Facility

When you create a new RDML function and specify a new function type of 1 (Generate from an Application Template) then the Application Template Facility will be invoked.

The Application Template Facility will initially place a "pop-up" window over the lower portion of the screen that you are currently using.


 DC@P301001                 Define New Function                        


 Process  : CUSTOMERS  Work with Customers                             


 New function name     : CUST01                                        

 Description           : Enter Details of New Customers                


 New function type     : 1 1. Generate from an Application Template    



 : DC@P309601          Application Template Selection              : 

 :                                                                 : 

 : Place cursor on same line as required template and press ENTER  : 

 : Template    Application Template Description                    : 

 :  ADD01      Data entry application - style 1 (simple)           : 

 :  ADD02      Data entry application - style 2 (with confirmation): 

 :  ADD03      Data entry application - style 3 (batched input)    : 

 :  BROWSE01   Browse data - style 1 (simple | single file)        : 

 :  BROWSE02   Browse data - style 2 (simple | multi-file)         : 

 :  INQUIRE01  Simple inquire - style 1 (flat screen display)      : 

 :  INQUIRE02  Simple inquire - style 2 (with browse area as well) : 

 :                                                        More ... : 

 :Enter Fnn=Help Fnn=Exit Fnn=Cancel Fnn=Msgs Fnn=ChgSeq Fnn=Filter: 





This pop up window is displaying a list of available Application Templates. From this pop up window you can elect to:

There is not a lot more that can be said about using Application Templates, because they are most often site defined, and even those that are shipped with the product have probably been modified to match your site's exact requirements.

However, some tips in using them are as follows: