4.15.7 About the IBM Program Editor SEU

It is possible to edit an RDML program using the IBM supplied source editors called SEU. If the "editor" nominated at the top right of the RDML program display screen is SEU when the CHANGE function key is used, then the respective IBM utility will be used to edit the RDML program, rather than the LANSA program editor.

SEU is universally used by programmers and very widely used by other IBM i users. It is beyond the scope of this guide to describe SEU in any detail. If you are unfamiliar with the features and functions of SEU refer to the appropriate IBM manual.

In addition, SEU have online HELP facilities of their own. Once you have started to use SEU press the HELP key and review the extensive HELP text available.

By using SEU, an RDML program can be edited just like any other RPG or CL program. All the features of SEU are available and can be used.

Some points about the way SEU is used by LANSA are: